Energies in 2013
Everything in the Universe—including people and their thoughts—is made up of shimmering waves of energy that creates cycles within cycles. An Epicycle is a period of nine years. The first year contains elements of new beginnings and each of the following years brings a different energy that promotes further growth.
The millennium, 2000 is often called The Awakening or Judgment because it proclaimed the end of some former thinking. There is another—better—way to live. Past hardships can be used to extract wisdom from those experiences. 2008 was the first year in the current Epicycle and it is no surprise that we began to experience what is called The Wheel of Becoming, which indicates a decisive point in consciousness. In 2009 the energy was of Illumination where people felt a strong urge to be more communicative. 2010 took us forward into an energy that was rather complex and normally would be a number of joy, yet emphasized that our conscious thoughts had evolved into another way of contemplating what life needs to be like. 2011 led into the area of transformation since our consciousness let us become far more aware than ever before. In 2012 we experienced a time when events and people mixed, fused, and made adjustments in their lives to alter and strengthen the ability for changes to occur.
2013 is all about being awakened to reality so we can transform our lives. We are reaping what has already been sown. Our “being stuck” feelings cause us to ask why and to seek real answers that will move us forwarIn January the vibrations will reflect there is less enthusiasm about growth, but indicates people will be more introspective and will examine the past in relation to home and family. February will have a great deal of energy flowing around and it indicates opportunities will cause us to pause and think of the ramifications and potential conflicts they present in connection with household and family obligations. March’s energy will cause strong feelings and dramatic events to occur because some type of relationship will be completed and thus end this month. Open hearts and minds will help everyone through it all. In April we start to become involved with something new. Conditions are now different and those differences help provide more balance and stability in life. All of this makes a positive effect on our domestic circumstances. May’s energy offers greater awareness about our surroundings. Although we may be waiting for something to happen, we feel more at peace and in harmony with others.
In June we will want to use our personal creative talents or ideas to spruce up our home environment, and to spend time with friends and family in community sharing of life’s pleasures and amusements. July will bring events and emotions that do cause feelings of restriction. This is the first karmic—or balancing—month of the year and we are urged to exercise self-discipline in organizing people, places, things, and emotions that are set into previously established limitations. These restraints are in place to help us focus on the current pertinent circumstances. August’s energy demands a choice be made. Fear of risks might prevent needed changes that would allow for growth in our domestic concerns. There are feelings of restlessness that can and may cause an imbalance in our domestic harmony. September is a month to think of current joys and be nostalgic about our past. Those thoughts allow us to accept responsibilities and limitations without being resentful. We are willing and able to be loving and kind. In October the vibrations of next year begin to be felt: We have now reached a place where we are more aware of our family obligations and are also able to understand our personal needs that are affected by them. Time must be used to think about ways to maintain balance and harmony within our domestic environment. November’s energy indicates a conflict between expressing our own personal potential and fulfilling our domestic duties. By using this month to contemplate long range plans and then actually take resolute actions we can attain more balance between those two areas of our lives. December truly starts the strength of next years’ energy in earnest. The vibrations relate to spirituality. There is a strong desire to be at peace, to think about the direction we are going, and where our path is heading. Events occurred or are about to occur that may resolve prior disharmony.
The energy of 2013 is not about making physical or emotional displays that cause discord. If they occur they will cause us to lose what we prize most: our love, friendships, health, and money. By living life as well as we can and by allowing others to see we are not hypocrites, we can become an example, even an inspiration, to those around us.
COPYRIGHT Ó 2012 by May Sinclair
Learn about your energies and those of your family and friends. Order The Psychology of Numbers by May Sinclair, PhD at www.Amazon.com.